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glBindSampler — bind a named sampler to a texturing target

C Specification

void glBindSampler(GLuint unit,
GLuint sampler);



Specifies the index of the texture unit to which the sampler is bound.


Specifies the name of a sampler.


glBindSampler binds sampler to the texture unit at index unit. sampler must be zero or the name of a sampler object previously returned from a call to glGenSamplers. unit must be less than the value of GL_MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS.

When a sampler object is bound to a texture unit, its state supersedes that of the texture object bound to that texture unit. If the sampler name zero is bound to a texture unit, the currently bound texture's sampler state becomes active. A single sampler object may be bound to multiple texture units simultaneously.


glBindSampler is available only if the GL version is 3.3 or higher.


GL_INVALID_VALUE is generated if unit is greater than or equal to the value of GL_MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS.

GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if sampler is not zero or a name previously returned from a call to glGenSamplers, or if such a name has been deleted by a call to glDeleteSamplers.

Associated Gets

glGet with argument GL_SAMPLER_BINDING

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